Thursday 29 September 2011

orang ketiga??? DARN!!!

Msti sume t'tnye-tnye sape org ketige tu....die adalah N....x perlu lh aku nk mention spe die...ckp lh sekadar korng tau yg die tu seorg perempuan.... perkre ni jd a few days before hr rye...tgh syok2 on9,t'bkk plak fb org yg aku syg (si M)...tetibe t'nmpk plak M wt relationship MARRIED to N....OHHH GOD!!! rse cm nk gugur jntung...start dr hr tu,aku terus blacklist kn nme M and N dlm hdup aku....N mmg sial!!!! aku bnci N 100%....I wish that aku blh ikat si N tu kt pokok,ps2 lempang pipi die yg  "gebu" tu smpai aku puas....ko ni mmg snatcher kn....eeeiiii....why on earth aku kne ad jodoh ngan ko???dh lh skola sbelh-sbelh.....sakai btol....and the worst thing is,hr ni aku ad t'nmpk sorng hmbe Allah yg muke sebijik cm die.....arrghhhh!!! tension gler!!!! tp x's ok...disebabkn aku ni baik,aku akn doakn korng bhgie smpai akhir hayat...aku plak cm ner??? :(
ala....jgn risau,byk lg lelaki yg lbh baik dr M kt luar sne tu....aku x heran pon....
to M & N,juz remember that i always hate both of you....

first trial....weeee!!!

Hey guys!!!! selamat berkenaln.....welcome to my blog....
before starts anything,i juz wanna remind all of you that this blog is juz about my life....
if you all hate me or my entry,don't read it....ok???
luve you alll...mmmuuuaaahhhh.... :0